Module @sei-js/react


A React helper library for @sei-js/core written in Typescript.


For an in depth tutorial, please see our tutorial or check out our documentation


yarn add @sei-js/react


The first step is to wrap your entire application in a Sei wallet provider and pass in a chainId, rest url, and rpc url.

chainId: 'atlantic-2',
restUrl: '',
rpcUrl: ''
<YourApp />

Unofficial wallet providers

To connect to an unofficial wallet provider such as Keplr, simply define an object of type SeiWallet and use it anywhere in this package.

const CUSTOM_WALLET: SeiWallet = {
getAccounts: async (chainId) => {
const offlineSigner = await window?.['keplr']?.getOfflineSignerAuto(chainId);
return offlineSigner?.getAccounts() || [];
connect: async (chainId) => await window?.['keplr']?.enable(chainId),
disconnect: async (chainId) => await window?.['keplr']?.disable(chainId),
getOfflineSigner: async (chainId) => window?.['keplr']?.getOfflineSignerAuto(chainId),
getOfflineSignerAmino: async (chainId) => window?.['keplr']?.getOfflineSignerAmino(chainId),
signArbitrary: async (chainId, signer, message) => window?.['keplr']?.signArbitrary(chainId, signer, message),
verifyArbitrary: async (chainId, signingAddress, data, signature) => window?.['keplr']?.verifyArbitrary(chainId, signingAddress, data, signature),
walletInfo: {
windowKey: 'keplr',
name: 'Keplr',
website: '',
icon: ''
isMobileSupported: false

// Then pass this into <SeiWalletProvider /> if using React, or use it's functions if using node or another js library
<SeiWalletProvider wallets={['fin', 'compass', CUSTOM_WALLET]} autoconnect={CUSTOM_WALLET} />


Hook Params
useWallet ---
useQueryClient (rpcAddress?: string)
useSigningClient (rpcAddress?: string)
useSeiCosmWasmClient ---


A hook to connect one of our supported wallets to your application.

import { useWallet } from '@sei-js/react';

const { offlineSigner, accounts, connectedWallet } = useWallet();

Return Values

Property Type Description
connectedWallet string? The currently connected wallet
chainId string Sei chain id
restUrl string The rest url associated with the connected wallet
rpcUrl string The rpc url associated with the connected wallet
offlineSigner object? The offline signer associated with the connected wallet
accounts object[]? The accounts associated with the connected wallet


import { useQueryClient } from '@sei-js/react';

const { queryClient, isLoading } = useQueryClient();
Property Type Description
queryClient StargateSigningClient? A stargate signing client.
isLoading boolean Boolean value for when the initial loading is happening


import { useSigningClient } from '@sei-js/react';

const { signingClient, isLoading } = useSigningClient();
Property Type Description
signingClient StargateSigningClient? A stargate signing client.
isLoading boolean Boolean value for when the initial loading is happening


import { useSeiCosmWasmClient } from '@sei-js/react';

const { cosmWasmClient } = useSeiCosmWasmClient();
Property Type Description
cosmWasmClient CosmWasmClient? A cosm wasm client for smart contracts.

UI Components

This package contains two helpful UI components for connecting to a wallet provider.

<WalletConnectButton />

This component renders a button that will open a modal to connect to a wallet provider.

import React from "react";
import {useWallet, WalletConnectButton} from "../lib";

const Component = () => {
const { connectedWallet } = useWallet();

return (
<WalletConnectButton />
<p>Connected wallet: {connectedWallet?.walletInfo?.name || "---"}</p>

export default Component;
Property Type Description
wallets SeiWallet[]? A stargate signing client.
buttonClassName string A css class name for styling the button
primaryColor string A hex value of the color you want to tint the text and icons with
secondaryColor string A secondary hex value of the color you want to tint the text and icons with
backgroundColor string A hex value of the color you want to use as a background

If your page has a <WalletConnectButton/> on the page it can be opened programmatically by calling the hook useSelectWallet


This hook allows you to programmatically open and close the wallet modal.

import React from "react";
import { useWallet, useSelectWallet } from "../lib";

const Component = () => {
const { connectedWallet } = useWallet();
const { openModal, closeModal } = useSelectWallet();

return (
<button onClick={openModal}>Open Modal</button>
<p>Connected wallet: {connectedWallet?.walletInfo?.name || "---"}</p>

export default Component;


This package uses Styled Components and allows you to override the theme with a primaryColor, secondaryColor, and backgroundColor to tint the text and icons.

import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";

// Define theme
export const theme = {
primaryColor: '#121212',
secondaryColor: '#8C8C8C',
backgroundColor: '#F1F1F1'

// Wrap your app in the theme provider
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>

Other helpful packages

  • @sei-js/core - TypeScript library containing helper functions for wallet connection, transaction signing, and RPC querying.
  • @sei-js/proto - TypeScript library for Sei protobufs generated using Telescope


  • Visit the js-examples repo for examples on how to use the various typescript functions and react components in this library.


Type Aliases



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